July 8, 2024

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Forms and beyond Them

July 8, 2024

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ECOLOGIILE GRIJII ȘI ÎNGRIJIRII. Cap. 3 și 4: Plante Ritualice și Plante Afrodisiace.

July 8, 2024

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July 4, 2023

Leilei Gallery, which assumes the role of a catalyst in the process of creating connections between the national and international scene of contemporary art, presents a new exhibition, CONNECTIONS 2.

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July 8, 2024

The CONNECTIONS series: part I

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Leilei Chen interviewed by EMPOWER ARTISTS!

June 29, 2023

Leilei Chen interviewed by EMPOWER ARTISTS, a fresh new publication whose goal is to support and promote Romania's art scene.

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Leilei Gallery @RAD Art Fair

June 29, 2023

RAD Art Fair in retrospect!

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June 29, 2023

În cadrul noii sale expoziții, intitulată Joistenland, la Leilei Gallery, Bernard Joisten a conceput un mediu imersiv unde realul și virtualul, suprafețele ecranelor și multiplele dimensiuni ale imaginilor, icoanelor imaginarului nostru și banalitatea societății consumeriste sunt combinate cu pricepere pentru a propune un peisaj al percepțiilor false și mizelor reale.

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An overview of the first NFT group show in Romania

September 6, 2021

An overview of "This will age really well", the first Romanian NFT group exhibition, imagined into 4 chapters, at Leilei Gallery.

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This will age really well ➡️ This is aging really well ➡️ This aged really well ➡️ This will age really well

August 16, 2021

Brief overview of the 3rd Chapter of the first Romanian NFT group show „This will age really well”, developed and implemented by Leilei gallery.

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This aged really well | Chapter 3: Forge those sidechains

August 4, 2021

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Chapter 2 of the first NFT group exhibition in Romania

July 19, 2021

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This will age really well | Mint me up - Chapter 1 in a nutshell

July 19, 2021

Let's take a brief look on how the first chapter of the first Romanian NFT group exhibition unfolded. Come join us for the 2nd Chapter, the 22nd of July!

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First nft group exhibition in romania

July 19, 2021

Is it wine? A body? Is it a meme? A song or a tweet? A painting? Or a crypto coin?

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Transgressions: extension

July 19, 2021

We're happy to announce a short extension of the Transgressions group show, until the 25th of June (Fri).

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